What is Low Quality email address? Low-quality emails in Listclean represent a set of valid email addresses that, although valid, have certain characteristics that may impact their deliverability and…
What is Medium Quality email address? Medium-quality email addresses in Listclean refer to valid email addresses that have been verified and deemed valid, but with a medium confidence level.…
What is High Quality email address? High-quality results in Listclean represent verified sets of data with a high confidence score. These results signify email addresses that have undergone thorough…
What is an Unknown email address? These emails were unable to be validated due to various reasons such as mail server downtime or anti-spam systems blocking our verification attempts.…
What is a Clean email address? Listclean considers email addresses as clean when they successfully pass through a comprehensive evaluation process. Our advanced algorithm analyzes various validation parameters to…
What is a Dirty email address? A Dirty email address is one that has been identified as a bad email address with either no or very bad email deliverability…