Privacy Policy

Privacy matters to ListClean – a product of Symbolist Technology Pvt. Ltd. ( and we strive to ensure that our security measures on personal data respect and protect your privacy and also that we are in strict compliance with the data privacy laws in effect.

This policy explains the what, how, and why of the information we collect when you visit our website, or when you use our Services. It also explains the specific ways we use and disclose that information. We take your privacy extremely seriously, and we never sell lists or email addresses for mass mailing

1. Definition

These definitions should help you understand this policy. When we say “we,” “us,” “our,” and “ListClean,” we are referring to ListClean – a product of Symbolist Technology Pvt. Ltd. We provide online platforms that you may use to market to or stay in contact with others, including creating, sending, and managing emails and other information related to your Subscribers (the “Services”). When we say “Member,” we are referring to the person or entity that is registered with us to use the Services. When we say “you,” we are referring either to a Member or to some other person who visits any of our Websites. A “Subscriber” is a person you contact through our Services, or a person who you might choose to contact at some point in the future through the use of our Services. “Personal Information” means information that can be used to identify you or a Subscriber, including, but not limited to, first and last name, date of birth, email address, gender, occupation or other demographic information.

2. Changes

We may change this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time. The most recent version of the Privacy Policy is reflected by the version date located at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.

3. Scope

This Privacy Policy is effective with respect to any data that we have collected, or collect, about and/or from you, according to our Terms of Use.

4. Questions & Concerns

If you have any questions or comments, or if you want to update, delete, or change any Personal Information we hold, or you have a concern about the way in which we have handled any privacy matter, please use our contact form to send us a message. You may also contact us by postal mail or email at:

Listclean – Our office address:

Jai Hind Co. opp HSG Society R3 Wing, 255, Khartan Road,
Mahatma Phule Nagar, Thane, Maharashtra, 400601

5. Information We Collect
(a) Personal data collected directly from

When you use the Services or browse our Website, we may collect information about your visit to our Websites, your usage of the Services, and your web browsing. That information may include your IP address, your operating system, your browser ID, your browsing activity, and other information about how you interacted with our Website. We may collect this information as a part of log files as well as through the use of cookies or other tracking technologies. Our use of cookies and other tracking technologies is discussed more below, and in more detail in our Cookie Statement here.

(b) Information you voluntarily provide to us

When you sign up for and use the Services, consult with our customer service team, send us an email, post on our blog, integrate the Services with another website or service (for example, when you choose to connect your e-commerce account with ListClean), or communicate with us in any way, you are voluntarily giving us information that we collect. That information may include either your or your Subscribers’ name, physical address, email address, IP address, phone number, credit card information, as well as details including gender, occupation, location, purchase history, and other demographic information. By giving us this information, you consent to this information being collected, used, disclosed, transferred to the United States and stored by us, as described in our Terms of Use and in this Privacy Policy.

(c) List and email information

When you add a Distribution List or create an email with the Services, we have and may access the data on your list and the information in your email. If a Subscriber chooses to use the ‘forward to a friend’ (FTF) link in an email campaign you send, it will allow the Subscriber to share your email content with individuals not on your Distribution List. When a Subscriber forwards an email to a friend, we do not store your Subscriber’s email address or their friend’s email address, and no one is added to any Distribution List as a result of the FTF. The Member who created the email campaign only sees an aggregate number of times their email campaign was forwarded by a Subscriber and does not have access to the email addresses used to share or receive that forwarded content.

(d) Information from your use of the Service

We may receive information about how and when you use the Services, store it in log files or other types of files associated with your account, and link it to other information we collect about you. This information may include, for example, your IP address, time, date, browser used, and actions you have taken within the application. This type of information helps us to improve our Services for both you and for all of our users.

6. Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

We may use and disclose Personal Information only for the following purposes:

(a) To promote use of our services to you and others. For example, if you leave your Personal Information when you visit our Website and do not sign up for any of the Services, we may send you an email inviting you to sign up. If you use any of our Services and we think you might benefit from using another Service we offer, we may send you an email about that. You can stop receiving our promotional emails by following the unsubscribe instructions included in every email we send. In addition, we may use information we collect in order to advertise our Services to you or suggest additional features of our Services that you might consider using. In addition, we may use your Personal Information to advertise our Services to potential or other users like you. For more information on how we use cookies or other tracking technologies for these purposes, as well as how to opt out of the use of cookies, please see our Cookie Statement here.

(b) To prosecute and defend a court, arbitration, or similar legal proceeding.

(c) To send you informational and promotional content that you may choose (or “opt in”) to receive. You can stop receiving our promotional emails by following the unsubscribe instructions included in every email.

(d) To bill and collect money owed to us by our Members. This includes sending you emails, invoices, receipts, notices of delinquency, and alerting you if we need a different credit card number. We use third parties for secure credit card transaction processing, and we send billing information to those third parties to process your orders and credit card payments.

(e) To respond to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

(f) To transfer your information in the case of a sale, merger, consolidation, liquidation, reorganization, or acquisition. In that event, any acquirer will be subject to our obligations under this Privacy Policy, including your rights to access and choice. We will notify you of the change either by sending you an email or posting a notice on our Website.

(g) To send you System Alert messages. For example, we may inform you of temporary or permanent changes to our Services, such as planned outages, new features, version updates, releases, abuse warnings, and changes to our Privacy Policy.

(h) To communicate with our Members about their account and provide customer support.

(i) To enforce compliance with our Terms of Use and applicable law. This may include developing tools and algorithms that help us prevent violations.

(j) To protect the rights and safety of our Members and third parties, as well as our own.

(k) To meet legal requirements, including complying with court orders, valid discovery requests, valid subpoenas, and other appropriate legal mechanisms.

(l) To provide information to representatives and advisors, including attorneys and accountants, to help us comply with legal, accounting, or security requirements.

7. Data Collected for and by our Users

As you use our Services, you may import into our system Personal Information you have collected from your Subscribers or other individuals. We have no direct relationship with your Subscribers or any person other than you, and for that reason, you are responsible for making sure you have the appropriate permission for us to collect and process information about those individuals. Consistent with the uses of Personal Information covered in Section 6, we may transfer Personal Information of you or your Subscribers to companies that help us promote, provide, or support our Services or the services of our Members (“Service Providers”). All Service Providers enter into a contract with us that protects Personal Information and restricts their use of any Personal Information consistent with this policy. As part of our Services, we may use and incorporate into features information you have provided, we have collected from you, or we have collected about Subscribers. We may share this information, including Subscriber email addresses, with third parties in line with the approved uses in Section 6.

If you are a Subscriber and no longer want to be contacted by one of our Members, please unsubscribe directly from that Member’s newsletter or contact the Member directly to update or delete your data. If you contact us, we may remove or update your information within a reasonable time and after providing notice to the Member of your request.

We will retain Personal Information we process on behalf of our Members for as long as needed to provide our Services or to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, prevent abuse, and enforce our agreements.

8. Public Information and Third Party Websites

(a) Blog. We have public blogs on our Websites. Any information you include in a comment on our blog may be read, collected, and used by anyone. If your Personal Information appears on our blogs and you want it removed, contact us here. If we are unable to remove your information, we will tell you why.

(b) Social media platforms and widgets. Our Websites include social media features, such as the Facebook Like button. These features may collect information about your IP address and which page you are visiting on our Website, and they may set a cookie to make sure the feature functions properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Website. We also maintain presences on social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Any information, communications, or materials you submit to us via a social media platform is done at your own risk without any expectation of privacy. We cannot control the actions of other users of these platforms or the actions of the platforms themselves. Your interactions with those features and platforms are governed by the privacy policies of the companies that provide them.

(c) Links to third-party websites. Our Websites include links to other websites, whose privacy practices may be different from ListClean’s. If you submit Personal Information to any of those sites, your information is governed by their privacy policies. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy policy of any Website you visit.

9. Third Parties

We may disclose Personal Information to the following types of third parties for the purposes described in this policy:

(a) Service providers. Sometimes, we need to use third party Service Providers in order to provide and support the features of our Services. For example, if it is necessary to provide you something you have requested (like send you a T-shirt or enable a feature such as Social Profiles), then we may share your Personal Information with a Service Provider for that purpose. We will tell you we are working with a Service Provider whenever reasonably possible, and you may request at any time the names of our Service Providers. Just like with the other third parties we work with, these third party Service Providers enter into a contract that requires them to use your Personal Information in a manner that is consistent with this policy.

(b) Advertising partners. We may partner with third parties to display advertising on our Websites or to manage and serve our advertising on other sites and may share Personal Information with them for this purpose. All third parties with which we share this information are required to use your Personal Information in a manner that is consistent with this policy. We and our third party partners may use cookies and other tracking technologies, such as pixels and web beacons, to gather information about your activities on our Websites and other sites in order to provide you with targeted advertising based on your browsing activities and interests. For more information about cookies and other tracking technologies, please see our Cookie Statement here.

10. Children’s Information

Another part of our priority is adding protection for children while using the internet. We encourage parents and guardians to observe, participate in, and/or monitor and guide their online activity.

ListClean does not knowingly collect any Personal Identifiable Information from children under the age of 13. If you think that your child provided this kind of information on our website, we strongly encourage you to contact us immediately and we will do our best efforts to promptly remove such information from our records.

11. Your Distribution Lists

porting contacts, such as through csv or directly from your email client. Your Distribution Lists are stored on a secure ListClean server. We do not, under any circumstances, sell your Distribution Lists. If someone on your Distribution List complains or contacts us, we might then contact that person. Only authorized employees have access to view Distribution Lists. You may export (download) your Distribution Lists from ListClean at any time.

We will use and disclose the information in your Distribution Lists only for the reasons discussed in Sections 6-9. We will not use and disclose the information in your Distribution Lists to:

– bill or collect money owed to us;
– send you system alert messages;
– communicate with you about your account; or
– send you informational and promotional content.

If we detect abusive or illegal behavior related to your Distribution List, we may share your Distribution List or portions of it with affected ISPs or anti-spam organizations.

12. Safeguarding Your Information

We will use at least industry standard security measures on the Site to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. While there is no such thing as “perfect security” on the Internet, we will take all reasonable steps to insure the safety of your personal information. For example, our policy is that only those individuals who need your personally identifiable information to perform a specific job are granted access to that personally identifiable information. Likewise, all employees and contractors are kept up-to-date on our security and privacy practices. Finally, the servers that we store personally identifiable information on are kept in a secure environment.

13. We Operate in the India

Our servers and offices are located in the India, so your information may be transferred to, stored, or processed in the India. While the data protection, privacy, and other laws of the India might not be as comprehensive as those in your country, we take many steps to protect your privacy, including offering a data processing agreement. By using our Websites, you understand and consent to the collection, storage, processing, and transfer of your information to our facilities in the India and those third parties with whom we share it as described in this policy.


ListClean encourages individuals covered by this Policy to raise any concerns about our processing of personally information by contacting ListClean as set forth below. ListClean will seek to resolve any concerns.


If ListClean elects, in its reasonable discretion, to transfer ownership or control of the Site or Services to a third party, whether or not in the context of an acquisition, merger, or reorganization, you consent to the transfer of your personally identifiable information and non-personally identifiable information by ListClean to that third party, provided that all use of your information by that third party remains subject to the terms of this Policy and any applicable requirements of the Safe Harbor Principles.

Thanks for taking the time to learn about ListClean’s Privacy Policy, and thanks for trusting us to handle your email.

16. CCPA Privacy Rights (Do Not Sell My Personal Information)
Under the CCPA, among other rights, California consumers have the right to:

Request that a business that collects a consumer’s personal data disclose the categories and specific pieces of personal data that a business has collected about consumers.

Request that a business delete any personal data about the consumer that a business has collected.

Request that a business that sells a consumer’s personal data, not sell the consumer’s personal data.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us.

17. GDPR Data Protection Rights:
We would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:

The right to access – You have the right to request copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.

The right to rectification – You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request that we complete the information you believe is incomplete.

The right to erasure – You have the right to request that we erase your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to data portability – You have the right to request that we transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us   Read more About GDPR.


The full name of our company is Symbolist Technology Private Limited

We are registered in Maharastra, India.
Incorporation date:27-July-2020
CIN: U72900MH2020PTC342689
GST: 27ABECS0569G1Z8

Our registered address is 255, Ground floor, Jai Hind CO.OP.HSG. SOC., R3 Wing, Mahatma Phule Nagar, Khartan Road, Thane – 400 601.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us.

Updated July 30th, 2024